Tiling Charts

Author: Optuma Team Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 14:09


Each page tab can contain a number of charts, tiled alongside or above/below each other.


**Note:** each chart will have its own date scale and move independently when changing the chart view. To add a chart below another chart so both use the same date scale use the New Window option.)

How to Tile a Chart

This video is pulled from the Optuma 101 course that you can access here. This course takes you through the basics of Optuma and helps you get up and running and using Optuma to its full potential. This video takes us through how to tile charts so that we can have multiple charts open on one page to assist in our analysis.

To equally size tiled charts:

There are four methods available for tiling charts:

Method 1

With a chart already open, press F3 on your keyboard. The Security Selection Window will display.

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Type the code you wish to tile alongside the existing chart and press TAB on your keyboard.

The new chart will be added to the existing page. (You can tile as many charts as you wish onto a single page.)

Method 2

With a chart already open, right-click on a blank area of the chart.

Left-click on the black and white chart icon and the New Item menu will appear. Select the New Chart option.

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When the Security Selection window is displayed, type in the security you want to chart, and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

The second chart will open alongside the other.

Method 3

With a chart already open, click on the New > Chart menu and then right-click on the chart type you require, such as Point & Figure, and select the code from the Security Selection window. The new chart will open alongside the current chart.

*Note: This method can also be used to tile other types of charts, such as Square or Nine (New > Gann and right-click on the Square of Nine Chart).*

Method 4

You can move an existing chart, located in a page tab, to a different page tab. To do this, left-click and drag the chart (via the Chart Header) to the page tab you wish to move it to. Release the mouse button and the new page will be dropped into the new page tab, and will tile alongside any existing charts on that page.

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Smart Tiling

The Smart Tiling system is designed to simplify the process of working with multiple charts contained within a single page. There are a couple of ways this works:

Firstly, if you set up a page layout, and you have some blank space left over, Optuma will use this space when tiling new charts, rather than resetting your existing layout.

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Alternatively, you can move a chart around the page by grabbing the chart header, and the program will provide suggestions as to where the chart can be inserted:

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As the chart is dragged around the page, suggested placements will be highlighted in blue. When the desired position has been found release the mouse button to move the chart.

Note: To switch chart orientation of the tiled charts, click this icon in the top-right of the screen:

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