
Author: Optuma Team Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 11:25


Watchtiles display a group of securities in a tile format conveying important real-time information about each security in a convenient tile. Watchtiles also allow for dynamic sorting so a glance at the chart will show which securities have changed the most from the previous day’s close. As positions change, you can see the tiles slide into their new positions.

Like all multi-code charts, Watchtiles can be linked to a Symbol List in Optuma so that the securities are updated automatically.

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You can place a large number of Watchtiles onto a page, and (with real-time data) watch the details dynamically update as new data comes in.

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A double left-click on a Watchtile will open a full-size chart for more detailed analysis.

Watchtiles can be sorted by various criteria (in Ascending or Descending order). You can also type to search for criteria, e.g. Volume:

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Opening a Watchtile

To open a Watchtile, go to the New menu and select the Watchtile Chart option:

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A blank page will display. Type in the code of the security you wish to view as a Watchtile and press Enter on your keyboard. A Watchtile will be added to the page. You can repeat this process to display as many Watchtiles on the page as desired.

Watchtiles Breakdown

Code: The code of the security.

Direction: The direction of the security is calculated by comparing the latest price to the previous days close.

Change %: The Net Change of the security displayed as a percentage rather than a dollar value.

Last Price: Displays the value of the last tick of data to come in for the selected code.

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The Chart preview will be displayed below.

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As you roll your mouse over the Watchtile the following data is displayed.

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  • Last: The last closing price for the selected security.
  • Change %: The percentage change of the security is calculated by (Latest price - Open expressed as a percentage of the Open) for Real-time data and (Latest price - previous days Close, expressed as a percentage of the previous close) for EOD data.
  • Net Change: The Net Change of the security is calculated by (Latest Price - Open) for Real-time data and (Latest price - previous days Close) for EOD data.
  • Bid: The highest price on the market the selected security has listed, as an unfilled order.
  • Ask: The cheapest price on the market the selected security can be purchased for.

Using Custom Scripts with Watchtiles

It is also possible to use scripts with Watchtiles to display calculated values or to show when different conditions have been met.

This is accessed by selecting Scripts from the Properties menu. The following will be displayed, you will be able to add a script by clicking the + as highlighted below.

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To select or create a script, click the script selection button as highlighted below.

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This will then open the Script Editor where you can create or select from an existing script. For information on the Script Editor and some scripting examples, click here.

After you have selected your scripts you can enter a title for the Abbrev, this is what will be displayed on the Watchtile. You can also set the colour to be used for the chart plot.

The Display can be set to display as a Value only, as a chart Plot only or Both. If you select None then the script will not display any results at all.

For the following image, two scripts have been added. The first is a moving average crossover, while the second will display the value for an RSI.

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This is how it displays on the Watchtile.

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The MACross displays an F. This particular script will only return a result of T or F. When the crossover occurs, a T will be displayed and if there is no crossover, then a F will be displayed.

The RSI displays the current RSI value. As the display is set to Both, a line is also plotted on the chart preview as well for each script. Both scripts will return results for the current bar/period.

Double left-clicking on the chart preview will open a full-sized price chart with the indicators also applied.

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The scripts will plot indicators as separate view tools. The MACross will display a line each time the crossover has occurred.

Deleting a Watchtile

The fastest way to remove a Watchtile is to go to the top-right corner of the box and left-clicking the small red x displayed.

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Actions & Properties


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Clone Chart: When selected, an exact replica of the existing page with its Watchtiles will be created.

Copy CSV values to Clipboard: Will copy the Watchtiles values to the clipboard which can then be inserted into a spreadsheet, for example, allowing for further analysis.

Import From CSV: Provides the option of importing a list of ticker symbols from a CSV file.

Load From Bloomberg Portfolio: Only applicable to Professional subscription clients that have access to a Bloomberg Terminal.

Open List As: For all the securities that are included in the Watchtiles, the following can be created: Charts, Scatter Plot Chart, Sector Map, Watchlist, Watchtiles, Relative Comparison Chart and a Spread Chart.

Print Chart: Opens the page in a PDF document, which can then be printed.

Rescan Linked List: If the Watchlist is linked to a Scan or a Symbol List and you have made changes to the contents of this list and want to make sure that your Watchlist is up to date, you can use this action to refresh the contents of the Watchlist.

Restore Default Settings: Click this action if you have adjusted the default settings of the Watchtiles, and wish to return to the standard properties originally installed with Optuma.

Save Settings as Default: If you have adjusted any of the Watchtiles properties, you can save the adjustments as your new default setting. Each time you open a new Watchtile it will display using the new settings.

Send To: This option allows the current chart to be saved as either an image file or saved to the clipboard. If you have Professional Services then the additional options of sending the chart via Chat Message, to Word and Outlook are also available.

Show List Manager: If the Watchlist is linked to a Scan, clicking on this Action will open the Scanning Manager allowing you to make changes to the script used or how the scan is run.


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Scripts: Uses the Script Editor to display calculated values and/or when different conditions have been met.

Relative Code: The Watchtile chart now includes an option to set a Relative Code. When a code is entered the Watchtile will display a relative comparison value between the Watchtile codes and the Relative code.

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Sort By: Watchtiles can be sorted by various criteria (in Ascending or Descending order). You can also type to search for criteria, e.g. Volume.

Dynamic Sort: When selected the Watchtiles will be automatically sorted based on the criteria set for the Sort By criteria. When using real-time data, and if the Sort Tiles By is set to either Close, Volume or Percent Change then tiles will be automatically reordered as new data comes in. For example, if you have your Watchtiles ordered by Close and the 2nd tile’s value becomes less than the 1st tiles value, the 2nd tile will move into the 1st position.

Group By: This setting will group the Watchtiles based on the user selected field, e.g. Direction. Please note that some items will require a Bloomberg connection, e.g. GICS.

Auto-Fit: When selected the size of Watchtiles will be automatically adjusted so that they are displayed on the same page.

Columns: Allows manual adjust of the Watchtiles. Moving the slider bar to the right will increase the size of the Watchtiles.

Timeframe: Sets the time frame to be used for the Watchtiles. By default, this is daily but can be set to weekly, monthly, yearly and intraday (requires live data feed) and custom time frames.

Linked to List: When selected, the Watchtiles can be linked to either a scan or symbol list.

List to Use: When Linked to List is active, this property allows you to select which list you want to use. Lets you choose from any csv files or scans that you have used as well as allowing you to import a new symbol list.