Text Chart

Author: Optuma Team Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 01:17


The Text Chart can be used to add notations about your trading position and/or current analysis and includes the ability to add images.

The Text Chart can be opened as a standalone chart or tiled alongside existing chart(s).</span>


In the above example, the Text Chart has been tiled alongside a bar chart of BHP. To open a Text Chart go to the New menu then select Text Chart.

</span>## Adding Text and Images to the Text Chart

Once you have opened the Text Chart to add items to it you will need to first left click the Edit button (pencil icon) that is located in the top right corner of the chart (as pictured below).


When the Edit function is enabled then a grid will be displayed as per the following example.


You can then right-click on a blank area in the grid to add text, an image or the publish date and author information. When you right-click on the grid the following menu is displayed.


Add Image: Selecting this option will allow you to select an image file from your system that is in either png, jpeg or bmp format.

Add Text: When selected, you will then be able to add text directly to the Text Chart.

Add Author: If selected you can then add the author (if desired).

Add Publish Date: Will display the current date.

</span>## Repositioning an Item

When in Edit mode you can reposition an item to anywhere on the Text Chart. Place your mouse over the item you wish to move and the mouse pointer will change to a four-headed arrow, then left-click (and hold) and drag the item to the desired location.

</span>## Deleting an Item

When in Edit mode you can delete an item by rolling your mouse over it and then left clicking the red cross.


Exiting Edit Mode

When you have finished adding items and editing the Notes Chart left click the pencil icon again in the top right corner, this will exit Edit mode and return the Notes Chart to normal view.


Actions & Properties

## Actions

*Note: To access the Actions of an item, e.g. Text, Image or Script either left click on the item after which the Actions will be displayed in the Control Panel, or right-click on the item to access the Right-Click menu.*
Clone Chart: When selected the existing chart will be duplicated. It will be placed above the existing chart, from here it can either be moved to a new page or tiled alongside your existing chart(s).

Print Chart: Opens the page in a PDF document, which can then be printed.

Restore Default Settings: Click this action if you have adjusted the default settings of the Text Chart, and wish to return to the standard properties originally installed with Optuma.

Save Settings as Default: If you have adjusted any of the Text Chart properties you can save the adjustments as your new default setting. Each time you open a new Text Chart it will display using the new settings.

Send To: This option allows the current chart to be saved as either an image file, saved to the clipboard or added to a Manual List. If you have Professional Services then the additional options of sending the chart via Chat Message, to Word and Outlook are also available.

</span>## Properties

Text Chart 8
*Note: To access the Properties of an item, e.g. Text, Image, Publish Date or Author, either left click on the item after which the Properties will be displayed in the Control Panel, or right-click on the item to access the Right-Click menu.*
Field Text: Applicable for when text has been added to the chart, this is where you will enter the desired text.

Label: Provides the option of adding a label to the selected item.

Wrap Text: Applicable when adding text to the chart, selecting this will automatically continue the text on the next line(s).

Font Size: Adjusts the size of the font. Moving the slider bar to the right will increase the size.

Priority Order: If fields overlap, this setting will determine which field comes to the forefront when printing. For example, if a label was really long it could cover the next field’s value such as an image. So by giving the image the higher priority, the label will then be cropped as a result.

Alignment: Alters the item’s alignment in relation to its position on the Text Chart. Can be set to Left, Right or Center alignment.

Field Type: When using different values or text, for example, you can alter how the field is displayed, can be set to: Auto, Text, Number, Date, Currency, Percentage.

Date Display Style: Allows you to adjust the display style of the Publish Date. Can be set to: Date & Time, Date, Time, Day Count, or Week Count.

Hide if Value Blank: If the Field contains no data selecting this option will hide the field from the Text Chart.

Transparent Background: When selected, the file will have a transparent background.

Image Filename: Applicable when an image has been added, this will display the currently selected image file, clicking the button next to this will display the folder selection so you can select a different image.

Width: Applicable for images, allows the width to be increased or decreased.

Height: Applicable for images, allows the height to increased or decreased.

Colour: Will display a colour swatch to allow customisation of the item’s colour.</span>